Precia molenApplication I 410 CWU

Application I 410 CWU

May 10, 2016

The CWU application endows the I 410 indicator with advanced counting and weigh identification capacities.

With numerous hardware functions and configurations available, it is a powerful tool with particularly sophisticated ergonomics. The alphanumeric keyboard and graphic display perfectly guides the operator through, even for complex operations.


With simple settings, the station can perform the following functions:


– simple weighing, per unit or per batch,
– weighing with tolerance check, per unit or per batch,
– simple counting, per unit or per batch,
– counting with tolerance check, per unit or per batch,
– loading per part number counting.


With the inclusion of numerous peripherals, the system can evolve without reconsidering the initial investment:


– 1 or 2 industrial platforms with or without summation,
– 1 or 2 accuracy scales,
– 1 ticket or label printer,
– 1 bar code reader,
– 1 weight or part number remote display,
– Digital inputs/outputs,
– 1 USB port,
– 1 Ethernet port.


The set is supplied with the CWU Windows PC software offering remote table management, results centralization and report editing functions.
The information transfer can be performed via USB stick or Ethernet if the I 410 CWU is connected to the company’s network.



To ensure complete traceability, various information can be associated to the weighing or counting operations:

– product identification file,
– 3 free files that enable codification and storage (operators, customers, destinations, etc.),
– 5 free entry fields that allow direct entry (order n°, observation, etc.).


Download our Technical file I 410

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